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DVD Snapshot - History log

+ Added feature
* Improved/changed feature

DVD Snapshot 1.19

* German translation has been added.
* Arabic translation has been added.

DVD Snapshot 1.7

+ New feature: Find frame (toolbar)
+ New feature: Color Adjust - Contrast, HSV, HSL, RGB, Equalization, FFT, Gamma correction,
   Sharpen("Edit" dialog box)
+ New feature: Effects - User filter, Bump map, Lens, Wave, Morphing filters, Rotate
   ("Edit" dialog box)
+ New feature: Auto Equalize ("Edit" dialog box)
+ New feature: Undo ("Edit" dialog box)
+ New feature: Open output folder ("Tools" menu)
+ New feature: Zoom - Fit (toolbar)
+ New feature: Speed list (toolbar)
+ New settings: Use Skin
* Fixed: issue with DVD selection from several available

DVD Snapshot 1.6

+ Default parameters
+ Vertical Flip
+ Horizontal Flip
+ Edit before saving
+ Tools | Set position
+ New parameter: Geometry (Aspect ratio)


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